Daily Photo | 9-30-12

Thunderstorms can make the strangest clouds.

Daily Photo | 9-29-12

Green is the color of life. Or whatever color you want it to be. :)


Ok, in this update I think I fixed the "MY PROFILES" section. It might be tricking me into thinking it's fixed. My site does that. It has a mind of it's own. I also expanded the Facebook Badge in my side bar.

Daily Photo | 9-28-12

Trees have their own personality if you look hard enough.


So, I'm still working on the "MY PROFILES" section. But while I was at it, I changed the names of most of the site sections. Like the menu is now called "THE MAGNIFICENT MENU". I also added something hidden.

Picture 202

On my official blog, I made a post about the making of one of the POTW's. Now, instead of flooding the main site with the same picture everywhere, I'll just keep the post over there. CLICK HERE to see it. I'll be doing loads of "Making of's" and the'll only be posted on my blog.

Daily Photo | 9-24-12

There's nothing like a 150 degree engine to warm up the phalanges.

Daily Photo | 9-23-12

This was darker than it looks. I had to brighten up the gloomy cloud.

New Video Special!!!

This week,I'm uploading my 2011 Fourth of July videos!! 
Use this video menu to see them.

Daily Photo | 9-22-12

Sometimes you have to experiment in order to get ideas.

Daily Photo | 9-21-12

Wal-mart sunsets are pretty.

Daily Photo | 9-20-12

Good Morning...oh wait it's noon.... :-/

Picture 201

On my official blog, I made a post about the making of one of the POTW's. Now, instead of flooding the main site with the same picture everywhere, I'll just keep the post over there. CLICK HERE to see it. I'll be doing loads of "Making of's" and the'll only be posted on my blog.

Daily Photo | 9-18-12

They need to make roads less bumpy.

Site Update-9.0

HEY!! Site version 9.0 is here!! CLICK HERE to see all the details...if you haven't noticed them. There's a lot more blue in the side bar.

Daily Photo | 9-16-12

If you haven't noticed...my camera is slightly broken. 
Usually when it breaks, the picture is just white. 
But this time, it wanted to be cool.

Latest Video Uploaded!!!

So, this week I'm having a Storm Week. 
I embed the video menu below. 
Come back everyday!

Daily Photo | 9-14-12

Since it rained...here's some rain. I took it three years ago.


I have added TWO HUNDRED more pictures in the Minecraft folder and twenty in the Roller Coaster Tycoon 3 folder. Go check them out!

This weeks video!!

The video for this week is more of an update video. Click on the thumbnail below to go to it.

Daily Photo | 9-13-12

I walked into bathroom and saw this...It's funny how he just cleaned the whole bathroom an hour 
before...including the sink.

Picture 200!!!

On my official blog, I made a post about the making of one of the POTW's. Now, instead of flooding the main site with the same picture everywhere, I'll just keep the post over there. CLICK HERE to see it. I'll be doing loads of "Making of's" and the'll only be posted on my blogYou have to read it. There is something big that is going to happen!!!

There's a new Special Picture!

For Patriot Day this year, I made a special picture. 
You can CLICK HERE to go see it and how I made it!
I also made a post about my 9/11 story.


I finally started uploading again. This weeks video is about a storm that encountered on July 11, 2011.
You have to click the thumbnail picture below to go to it because videos 
that are to close to the menu make 
the menu not work. 

Picture 199

On my official blog, I made a post about the making of one of the POTW's. Now, instead of flooding the main site with the same picture everywhere, I'll just keep the post over there. CLICK HERE to see it. I'll be doing loads of "Making of's" and the'll only be posted on my blog.