The AfterShow | Episode Three

It's time for the AFTERSHOW!!! You can CLICK HERE or on the thumbnail to see the episode. The links use the animated window loader so if it doesn't work, CLICK HERE. I also added an update about the episode on our his update blog.

Picture 237

On my official blog, I made a post about the making of one of the POTW's. Now, instead of flooding the main site with the same picture everywhere, I'll just keep the post over there. CLICK HERE to see it. I'll be doing loads of "Making of's" and they'll only be posted on my blog.

SITE UPDATE-15.5.1551

CLICK HERE to go back to the past changes "2013 MONTHS" menu.
V.SITE UPDATE-15.5.1551-This isn't the big of an update, but I did do a lot. This was more of a "FIX THE BROKEN THINGS" update. Here's what I did:
  • I continued to back up EVERYTHING!!
    • The past few weeks and since the last update, I have been going through all my page elements HTML codes, JS codes, and the other stuff in between and backing them up on both Google Drive and my external HDD.
  • I continued my investigation into the issues my menu has.
    • I look into a boat load of problems and found out...there isn't that many problems. I fixed the bloopers when I re-vamped the code in the last update.
    • However, there are three main annoyances that I can't seem to fix.

The AfterShow | Episode Two

It's time for the AFTERSHOW!!! You can CLICK HERE or on the thumbnail to see the episode. The links use the animated window loader so if it doesn't work, CLICK HERE. I also added an update about the episode on our his update blog.

Picture 236

On my official blog, I made a post about the making of one of the POTW's. Now, instead of flooding the main site with the same picture everywhere, I'll just keep the post over there. CLICK HERE to see it. I'll be doing loads of "Making of's" and they'll only be posted on my blog. Also, there is a BTS video made for the new picture. It's 11:45 in length. You can CLICK HERE to see the video or look below.

The AfterShow | Episode One

It's time for the AFTERSHOW!!! First off, I uploaded an apology video for not uploading the first episode on the 16th, like I said. Now moving on, you can CLICK HERE or on the thumbnail to see the episode. They use the animated window loader so if it doesn't work, CLICK HERE. I also added an update about the episode on our his update blog.

Picture 235

On my official blog, I made a post about the making of one of the POTW's. Now, instead of flooding the main site with the same picture everywhere, I'll just keep the post over there. CLICK HERE to see it. I'll be doing loads of "Making of's" and they'll only be posted on my blog.

Picture 234

On my official blog, I made a post about the making of one of the POTW's. Now, instead of flooding the main site with the same picture everywhere, I'll just keep the post over there. CLICK HERE to see it. I'll be doing loads of "Making of's" and they'll only be posted on my blog.

Latest Photo | 5-5-13

Here's yesterday's photo again. Just with a little more EPIC sauce.


CLICK HERE to go back to the past changes "2013 MONTHS" menu.
V.15.0- This is good sized update. Enough to get it to 15.
Here's what I did:
  • I added the new Newsletter!
    • The only thing I added was the sign up links.
      • It's in the menu under "MAIN STUFF".
      • And in the side bar and bottom bar.
  • I did some inner workings changes.
    • I compact some more extra codes into the copyright section at the bottom of the sites. I got rid of the extra gaps that are formed from the codes. Like at the bottom of the main site.
    • While I was in the inner workings, I refined the menus code.
      • I went through and cleaned and then spaced everything out.
        • So I can see each section and it's not all mixed together.
  • I made the widths of the Site Changes, Update Blogs, and Free Rider sites even smaller.
    • They were fitting in my laptops screen and that's the width I go for.

Update Blog...Update-5-1-13

This is a post from my UPDATE BLOG.
Wednesday, May 1st, 2013- Today, I did a lot. I got my site prepped for tomorrows update. Then, I edited and uploaded my new picture, along with the BTS video. And then I realized ..OH!! I didn't have an monthly update video, so I recorded and uploaded it unedited. Just a typical day. 

Picture 233

On my official blog, I made a post about the making of one of the POTW's. Now, instead of flooding the main site with the same picture everywhere, I'll just keep the post over there. CLICK HERE to see it. I'll be doing loads of "Making of's" and they'll only be posted on my blog.


It's 18 minutes long and full of my walking around. It's the behind-the-scenes for Picture 233.
You can CLICK HERE to see the video or look below.