CLICK HERE to go back to the past changes "2014 MONTHS" menu.
V.18.5- This is just a little update. Loads of little adjustments everywhere. The biggest thing isn't even on the sites anymore. Here's what I did:
  • The new Christmas lights and snow code!
    • I know what you're thinking. "What lights and snow?" Well, for a while I wanted something simple. Just a that turns the snow on, and off. Simple. I researched from day one. Never found an answer.

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On my official blog, I made a post about the making of one of the POTW's. Now, instead of flooding the main site with the same picture everywhere, I'll just keep the post over there. CLICK HERE to see it. I'll be doing loads of "Making of's" and they'll only be posted on my blog. Also, there is a BTS video made for the new picture. It's 11:00 in length. You can CLICK HERE to see the video or click the thumbnail below. The video player messes with the menu or else I would embed the video.

Update Blog... Update | 1-23-14

This is a post from my UPDATE BLOG.
Thursday, January 23rd, 2014 at 7:40 P.M.- It's been a while since I update blogged...update blogged? I was updating about the last snow storm + the cold blast and then I went silent. Some things happened. I don't want to get into to many details. It's family things. Just the flu and a hospital. It wasn't me that was sick though. Anyways, we are in another snow storm again! It's just a quick lake effect band of snow, but it has the most snow I have seen. We have had two inches in 40 minutes. I would take more video but it's at night right now. But it's really falling. I can't see the church or the two group of trees in the front of the apartments. I should stop in a little bit. It's just a quick shifting band. It's been sitting on Gary IN. all day. We'll see how it is tomorrow. It's suppose to snow for a while. Like three days. :-P And it's getting cold again. In the 0's. More to come tomorrow.

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On my official blog, I made a post about the making of one of the POTW's. Now, instead of flooding the main site with the same picture everywhere, I'll just keep the post over there. CLICK HERE to see it. I'll be doing loads of "Making of's" and they'll only be posted on my blog. Also, there is a BTS video made for the new picture. It's 11:00 in length. You can CLICK HERE to see the video or click the thumbnail below. The video player messes with the menu or else I would embed the video.

Picture 269

On my official blog, I made a post about the making of one of the POTW's. Now, instead of flooding the main site with the same picture everywhere, I'll just keep the post over there. CLICK HERE to see it. I'll be doing loads of "Making of's" and they'll only be posted on my blog.

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On my official blog, I made a post about the making of one of the POTW's. Now, instead of flooding the main site with the same picture everywhere, I'll just keep the post over there. CLICK HERE to see it. I'll be doing loads of "Making of's" and they'll only be posted on my blog.

Update Blog... Update | 1-6-14

This is a post from my UPDATE BLOG.
Monday, January 6th, 2014 at 10:00 a.m.-'s cold. Right now we are at -11°F FEELS LIKE -37°F. That was copy pasted straight from And that's not the coldest. It's supposed to get to -13 and -40. I went out in it this morning when it was -6/-25. It wasn't bad, but I stayed on my patio that was blocking the wind. However, my fingers did start to freeze. So, I ran inside. I took some pictures + videos and that was it. More to come.

Update Blog... Update | 1-5-14

This is a post from my UPDATE BLOG.
Sunday, January 5th, 2014- It's snowing like crazy! It started early and has been going alllll night and day. We are suppose to get a whole foot, maybe more! 
Here's a picture...
I also made the same picture with a  blue tint. It looks better than this. The snow isn't flaky. It compacts nicely. So, that means it's sticks better. That means everything has a pile of snow on it. Even the smallest of branches.It looks epic. I have been recording video all day and exploring this Winter Wonderland. Just wait until tomorrow. We have a high of 1... That's better. Earlier it was -5 and then the next day was 0 with a low of 0. It's getting warmer. The forecast still says we are going to be in the -7 through -15 range. Stay tuned for more info.

Update Blog... Update | 1-3-14

This is a post from my UPDATE BLOG.
Thursday, January 3rd, 2014- It's a new year! Time to test out the new Update Blog. Well, it's not new...just the way I'll post updates. No more long never ending posts that cover a whole month. I set it up so that all I do is just post an update by day now and still have it be organized in the menu and every else by using the month archive links in the sidebar. Now all my sites work that way. It's nice. Anyways...moving on. Today I made the update video for January. HERE IT IS. This is the year where I try to do things. Get a job and move out. I cover it all in the update video, that's why it's so long. I need to hurry up and edit my 2013 storm videos so I'm not a year behind again. Things will get better.

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On my official blog, I made a post about the making of one of the POTW's. Now, instead of flooding the main site with the same picture everywhere, I'll just keep the post over there. CLICK HERE to see it. I'll be doing loads of "Making of's" and they'll only be posted on my blog. Also, there is a BTS video made for the new picture. It's 11:00 in length. You can CLICK HERE to see the video or click the thumbnail below. The video player messes with the menu or else I would embed the video.