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V.24-This update is another small one. I just don't have that much time anymore for anything HUGE. But, this update does have some big changes. Here's what I did:
  • Much Ads...Such wow...
    • Yes, I'd thought I'd never see the day. But, across all my Blogger sites, I have ads. I'm just experimenting. I have always wanted to see how much I'd actually get. There are ads on my videos as well. They are just EVERYWHERE! If nothing happens, I'll remove them.
    • Because of this, I removed the "AD BLOCK" paragraph in the BWTV section. It basically said that Ad Block impacts loading times. And since I have no ads, why have it running!! But I have ads now, so.....yeah.
    • Yesterday was the worse work day ever...It snowed like crazy for a good hour. As a cart pusher at Wally World, that's not fun. So, since it's snowing, I added the SNOW CODE TO ALL THE BLOGGER SITES!!! Next month I'll add the lights and music for Christmas.
  • Lastly, any refreshments...? They're free!
    • This was an update of refreshments. Like a total re-vamp of a few sites. In the last update, I said that I'd change the templates on a few sites to the same thing. So, they'd all match code wise and I'll be able to add the new menu system. Here's the list of the five things I refreshed...
      • The help page had a little update. I cleaned up some codes and added transparency to the menu with an extra link to the Main Site.
      • The Snow Code had an update in preparation for Christmas and what not. I organized all the codes. There's at least two sets for each thing. One set of codes still rely on Webs, and the other that doesn't. I have each thing, like the snow and the lights, in their set. But I also have a set with EVERYTHING all combined into one code. I made sure that I am prepared for any situation. I also made separate codes just for the Main Site. Like I said...I'm prepared. Oh, one more thing. I updated the button with TRANSPARENCY! So it'll match the other floating things. It looks GREAT!
      • The Update Blog had even more changes. I found a better template that worked for the sites. So, I updated it add it works wonderfully. It has a much better look and feel to it.
      • The Site the same template, but I made sure that the colors and things looked the same as it was before. So, it looks different, but it also look the same. It also got a brand new menu. The same menu from the Update Blog. But not the same links of course. I basically took the Site Update section in the Main Site's menu and put it into this menu. With a little bit of re-arranging, it looks perfect. I made sure the colors matched perfectly as well.
      • Lastly, the Free Rider Tracks. It got all the same things. New template, but it still looks the same, and a new menu with the appropriate links and matching colors.
Ok, that's all. There was some good changes. Things are looking good. It's just wonderful. And now that I have the snow falling, it's just pretty. I'll see what I can refine for the next update. I skipped the X.5 update for the last update because I missed a month during the move. But this update did refine things from that update and added more. So, it was ok to skip. It's all in one package. Anyways, SEE YOU NEXT MONTH!! I'LL BRING CHRISTMAS STUFF!!

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