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V.25-Some new things were finally added! Not a lot though. I'm still having issues with time management. I just don't have time anymore to do thinks. So...I'll make some. But that's for a later. Here's what I did for this update:
  • The NEW Better Way to View...
    • Back in the day, I added this section at the top of the site. It described how the site needed to be at a certain width and it needed special set settings that your browser had to have to make sure the site works properly. It was a long paragraph just taking up space. So, I hid it in a fancy collapsible panel. I like fancy and what not, but I also try to make this super simple in the code. The old panel had complex JS codes and what not. That takes a little power to load. So, I looked into way of achieving the same effect with a simple code. Thus, the new BWTV was born. I found a free code that did the same effect, but it's running on pure CSS code that's easy to load. I does look and act different, but it's achieving the same effect. Being a collapsible panel, but in a better way. I like it.
  • The NEW Image Comparer...
    • On my blog, I do this thing were I compare the before and after of my pictures. The main comparer has gone through many changes. It's gotten to the point of perfection. So, it's time for a new way. It's a slider that you move around. You can look at the two photos half and half or any way you want. Go to the debut post to actually see it. It's hard to describe.
  • The NEW Daily Content Panel...
    • Also on my blog, up at the top, I added this interesting thing. Depending on what day of the month it is, it'll display a message only on that day. When it's February 2nd, I'll have it say a message about that day. A fun fact or something. Mostly it was about Groundhog Day. But I can do that for any day. The code is set to detect the day 1 through 30. So that's 30 different messages. I might just add it to all my sites. BECAUSE IT'S COOL!!!
  • The NEW Hover Menu...
    • At the top of the Main Site, above the BWTV section, is the Hover Warnings. It's a section of text that provides a help link if things look weird on the site. When you scroll past them at the top of the site, they'll stick to the top of the screen. They are always with. Now, that HELP link isn't just a link. It's go a menu hidden inside it. That's the Hover Menu. You hover over the link and it appears. I decided to give it a touch u as well. The new one is a little bit simpler in the code. But that's not why I picked it. It's much more stable now. The old one had a few issues. HOWEVER! There's a catch to the deal. The new menu DOES NOT work when the Hover Warnings are....hovering. Would only work when they are still docked at the top of the site. So, I was forced to still keep the old menu for when they are hovering. That gives you a chance to compare the two at least.
  • Refreshment? They're FREE!
    • I did my usual fixing typos and code errors. But I do those so fast that I forget to write them down.
    • However, I remember the Main Menu getting a good load of fixes. I went through a cleaned up a few things inside the code. Reorganized the <div>'s blah blah, that kind of stuff. Nothing to big.
  • Lastly....Google Chrome...
    • Lately, Chrome updated. And now some things on the sites aren't working right. Mainly, the scrolling marques. They load differently and the speed buttons don't work. Thanks a lot Google. :-\
And...that's it. There was some interesting things added. I'll try to add more. The next update might not be a X.5 update. I want to add new things. I'll just jump to V.26. That is....if I can find anything to add.

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