Picture 337

I went to the dentist.
It wasn't so good.
I have a lot of things on my mind and I don't have time for this.
I'll do a proper post next week with a very long video about my whole month.
I'm sorry.

Picture 336

On my official blogI made a post about the making of this weeks POTW picture. Now, instead of flooding the main site with the same picture everywhere, I'll just keep the post over there. CLICK HERE to see it. I'll be doing loads of "Making of's" and they'll only be posted on my blog.

Picture 335

On my official blogI made a post about the making of this weeks POTW picture. Now, instead of flooding the main site with the same picture everywhere, I'll just keep the post over there. CLICK HERE to see it. I'll be doing loads of "Making of's" and they'll only be posted on my blog. There's also a new video that cover the WHOLE series that I was in. THe making of ALL THE PHOTOS!!! It's 1:37:00 in length! OVER AN HOUR!! You can CLICK HERE to see the video or click the thumbnail below.

Latest Photo 5-13-15

I have had a busy day. I mowed two lawns, cleaned the house, took out the trash, worked on videos, and much more. I'm tired and forgot to make a picture for today. So, I'll upload a picture of Jolly Molly on the loose and wait until tomorrow.

Picture 334

On my official blogI made a post about the making of this week's POTW picture. Now, instead of flooding the main site with the same picture everywhere, I'll just keep the post over there. CLICK HERE to see it. I'll be doing loads of "Making of's" and they'll only be posted on my blog.