CLICK HERE to go back to the past changes "2015 MONTHS" menu.
V.26- Ok. I have been gone for a while. Well, I haven't been gone, I have just been...busy. Lost in my own brain. I'm finally getting things organized again. Sorry that I skipped a few months. This post is late too. I had it planned for the 1st, but something happened. Now, I'm back and here's what I did in the new update:

    • On the Main Site, there's a new button vertically floating in the bottom left corner. CLICK IT! It opens up the brand new LEFT SIDE BAR!....A HIDDEN LEFT SIDE BAR! It's more of a panel. Anyways, I have done past efforts to tidy up the site and hide all the extra things. That's why the Bottom Bar and Better Way to View panel were made. Just to hide all those extra goodies that people don't really care about. So, I moved some of the non-important things from the right side there. However, I'm doing the other bad thing of having A LOT of things floating on the screen. I made sure they are super compact and even transparent! So you can still see, but they ARE distracting. Maybe I'll work something out.
    • I started up a gaming channel with a friend! CHECK IT OUT! Upon doing that, I made a new page for it. When I was getting the links and stuff, I saw that Youtube had changed. Users no longer have a unique name in the URL. They also changed the playlists. You can have videos auto add and what not. So, I did some changes. My old ALL VIDEOS menu doesn't work anymore, so I changed it to LATEST VIDEOS. And I have a playlist that has my 200 most recent videos. EVEN BETTER, it auto adds any new video. So, I don't have too! IT'S AWESOME! This change better effects the menu.
    • SOMEONE SAY MENU? Once again, on my Main Site I have...this menu. It was the most challenging thing I made back in December 2010. Well, I didn't make it. I use a lot of free codes from code sites. But getting it to work was SO HARD! And then FILLING IT IN WITH STUFF! Over the years it has evolved into what it is today. A place where you can find EVERYTHING about me and my sites. I want to give it a REALLY good update. Like rebuild it with a better code or something. But all my efforts have failed. When I put my things into a new menu, things break or the over lapping issue comes back. It's like, my things only work in my AWESOME menu. So, why change. I'll still keep trying, but for's fine. 
    • HOWEVER! That doesn't mean I didn't do anything! I cleaned up the inside again. Fixed some <li> errors and EVER MORE TYPOS that I missed. 
    • While I was at it, I decided to re-arrange some things. I COMPLETELY MOVED the Site Updates section from "MY STUFF" to the "UPDATE BLOGS"! It seems like a more logical place for it since it is...and update blog
    • While doing that, I was looking at my updates and how I navigate the menu. I didn't like having to move down the list of years to get to the most recent year. So, I REVERSE ORDERED THEM! Instead of 2010-2015, it goes 2015-2010. I liked that MUCH BETTER! I liked it so much, I did it to the Monthly Updates as well. 
    • Also, when adding the new GAMING CHANNEL, I re-organized the VIDEOS section in the menu. It took out the Youtube widget because it's not supported anymore and replaced them with LATEST VIDEOS sections. Now, they auto update with any new video and they have the latest 200 videos instead of just being one video. It's a nice upgrade and less work for me!
    • Lastly, I added my Deviant Art page to the menu. In the "PHOTO STUFF" and "PROFILES" sections. CHECK IT OUT!
  • Daily Fun Facts...
    • On my blog, I added this thing at the top. Depending on what day it is, it'll show content for that day. It can be random things like what it was. But I wanted to take it farther. I looked up each day of the month in July on Wikipedia to find interesting events that happened. So, that's what I did. I find an event and say how I feel about it. It's really cool!
    • I wanted to add it EVERYWHERE! didn't work right. The only place it worked just fine was the Main Site. So, I put it there as well.
  • A Better Way to View...
  • Lastly, the little things...
    • When I moved the Newsy Letter sign up into the left panel, I updated it a little bit. I made all the links and things open in the Animated Window.
    • No more snow! It'll be back next Christmas.
    • And then I did some changes to the floating things. Like I said, there's a lot. I had them be a little bit transparent as a cool effect. So, I want you to be able to see. So, I made them EVEN MORE transparent! From 80% visible, to 50%. The Floating Links in the top right still won't go transparent. They are more touchy than the other floating things. But you can at least hide it by clicking the close arrow.
OK! THAT'S ALL! It was a good comeback update. I fixed things that broke while I was gone, I added new things, blah blah. Overall, things turned out good. I don't know what I'm going to do now. Codes are getting scarce. There's nothing really new that I WANT! I'm sure I'll find something!! COME BACK NEXT MONTH!

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