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The "Monthly Update" for November 2016 has been uploaded! It covers what I did through the month and the changes that happened. It also includes what SHOULD be uploaded on MY CHANNEL. The video is 31:51 in length!!! Short by my standards! I didn't really do much in May. That's why. You can CLICK HERE to go see the update. In other mews, my MEMBERSHIP SITE may have some loading problems. If you click on a link that goes to that site, you will be notified.
On the Home Page are the latest updates from all my sites. You can Click here to go to the Update Archive.


CLICK HERE to go back to the past changes "2014 MONTHS" menu.
V.-21 This one is just epic. This is the biggest update in a while and that's not going by the significance of the changes like in Version 20. There are so many new things added in this update that I have been working on. I have a stack of 80 bookmarked codes just waiting to be added. So, I went through and saw what I could do. Most of them are only added in one spot, but they could branch off into other places. They are in their testing runs right now. Since there is so much, I'm just going to shorten things up and just state the changes. No long stories. Here's the long list of what I did:

  • Changes to the Main Site's width...
    • The width of the Main Site's body, where the posts are, was 67%. It is now 68%. WOW!! A HUGE CHANGE! That's it all done. This update is over. :-D 
    • Kidding. You can't even tell that it's just a tad wider. There is a gap between the side bar and the main body. I just made it smaller. That gap was pretty big.
  • Changes to the site's footer section...
    • While updating the body's width, I made the footer 100% in width too. Now it's like the header.
    • I also took out the clock that was in there. It was messing with the flow of the site.
  • Changes to the Menu...
    • The menu had a hefty amount of inside adjustments. I made the hover color of the sub menus a bit brighter. 
    • Then, I took out some errors in the code. 
    • And lastly, I went through all the hover text and fixed any typos or grammar errors. 
    • I did try to get it centered again. I got really close, but in the end I realized it wasn't going to happen. It's just too complex. 
  • Changes to the Main Site's header...
    • Because of all the following updates, the header of the Main Site had to be rearranged and I had to combine a few things. 
    • The Mobile link is in the Hover Warnings code section now and they are on one line.
  • The NEW Better Way to View section...
    • I like BWTV section, but I hated just having a paragraph just sitting there at the top of the site. It didn't make the site look clean and cool. So looked through my stack of codes and found a collapsible content panel. So, after an hour of messing around I got it to work. Now, you just have to click it and it'll open up. Simple. It's very fascinating. The code also runs on its own with no external codes. I like it.
  • Changes to the Hover Warnings...again...
    • I worked on the code again while I was combining the header sections. I added a border around the links in the Hover Menu. It makes it look cooler.
    • I did want to add the Hover Menu in some other places, but it wasn't working. I wanted it in the scrolling marquees under the MY CHANNEL link in the top bar one, and the SUBSCRIBE link in the side bar one. But, it wouldn't work. I guess it doesn't like marquees. :-\ But that didn't stop me.
  • The NEW Pop-Up Subscription Widget...
    • I didn't want to use the Hover Menu again. It would cause a freak out in the codes. So, once again I looked through my codes. I had a lot of certain types of hover menus. I just picked the coolest one. After a little adjusting it all works nice. 
    • The only place you can see it is on my MAIN VIDEOS page. I tried to this one to the marquees too, but it didn't work. :-\ OH! Speaking of the video pages...
  • Changes to the Video Pages...
    • Well, I told you about the subscription widget, but that was only on my video page. I wouldn't want you to subscribe to The Father's dead channel. However, I did do something on The Father's Video Page too. I upgraded the Tabbed Video Menu to version 2.0. One of those codes in the stack of codes worked the same way and was in a more simple form. Plus, it has a cool fade effect. So, with a little love and care I got it all to work. It was a nice upgrade. I'm happy with it.
  • The NEW Hover Image Panel...
    • I was still looking through my codes and saw this cool thing that made a panel slide in when you hover over an image. So, I added it somewhere just for fun! I put it in the POTW picture in the side bar. When you hover over it, it'll slide with links to my blog and the post for that week. That's the only place I have it. Maybe I'll expand it for the next update. It's an interesting piece of code.
  • Changes to the Contact forms...
    • There were updates all over them. Well, mostly the message section. On my blog, I had the message preview link that lets you see a sample message so you know what it looks like when you send it to me. I just decided to add that to all the contact forms across the sites.
    • Then, I looked at my codes and saw that there was a character counter. It counts how many letters and spaces are in a message box. I could also limit how many characters there can be. I thought it would be a cool thing to have, so I added it to all forms. 
    • Then I used a "placeholder=" in the box to and told you how many characters you can have. I didn't want to be to mean, so it's set at 1000000. Keep it short! :-P
    • And one more thing. The message box now saves your message. If your typing and the your browser crashes or the page reloads, its fine. Your message should still be there. Just another extra fun thing!
  • Lastly, changes all around...
    • I did other little adjustments here and there. Just under the hood stuff.
WELL!  This was a short post because I didn't talk so much. There were a lot of changes going on. All of them don't use any external codes. They did, but I did a little reverse engineering to get them to work. I think this might be the end of site updates. Unless I go through my codes and find more things to add. I can't add too much. I noticed my site loading slower after this update. If you want to see every update on one page, I think my main videos page should show them all. I know I have some bugs to fix after this update, but I don't know about Version 22. However, I always say that my sites are getting full and that I can't think of what else to add. I'm sure I'll think of something, but this update was a big one and I don't think I could follow up. Think of it as my epic finale! From now on, it'll be little things. But, I'll say it again, you never know what could happen. See you next month for V.21.5!

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