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V.28- Hi, this update is a good one. I updated a bunch of things from the last update. It's time to get caught back up. Here's what I did:
V.28- Hi, this update is a good one. I updated a bunch of things from the last update. It's time to get caught back up. Here's what I did:
- SNOW!!
- As I do every November, I add a snow effect to the sites! Click the SNOW BUTTON to let it snow! Things are different though. It's just where the button is placed. Usually I have it floating at the bottom left of the screen. But, I made the Top Bar for a reason. To clean up the floating stuff and make it all look nice and clean. So, that's where I put the snow button on all the Blogger Sites. Except for the Main Site. If I put it in the Top Bar, the Hover Warning would be in the way. So, I put it in the Bottom Bar next to the Side Bar button. It still looks nice and clean!
- The Back Up Site?
- A while back when my sites relied on external codes, I made this site. When the host site of the codes when down, my sites would go down. When that happened, the back up site would go live and as a replacement until things are fixed. It got annoying. So, in the V.20 update, I made all the sites work on their own. That means I took the external .JS and .CSS codes and put them directly on the site. That's good and bad. Good is that they don't rely on anything anymore...except Blogger. Bad is that I can hurt loading times. At least, that's what I read. And the Main Site was already a beast to load. Even though, I think that having codes off site means that it'll have to fetch that code when it loads. That means it'll have to wait for that server to kick on, access it, find the file, grab it, bring it back, and then load it. Instead of just....loading it. And that's true. When I run my tests, my site scores good. Better than before. But not as good as it was. But during those tests, the only bad thing it says is that I need to combine external scripts. I still have them. The comment sections, the Youtube players, and other things. There still is external things, just more reliable things. I tried combining my codes in V.16, I got mostly everything into one .JS cods. So, I was on the right track. I guess....I don't know. I need to update the help page with my new results.
- Oh....Right, that's what this part is about! The Help Pages. Since I did all that and maybe my sites work on their own, I didn't need the Back Up site. So, to put it to good use, The Help Links in the Hover Warning/Hover Menu now go to the Back Up site. The actual link where the Hover Menu is goes the Help Page that I made on Webs. It's an external HTML document. And then in the Menu, under MY STUFF->INFORMATION, those links will bring you to the Help Pages that or on the Main Site. I might do a little more adjusting to balance things out in the next update.
- The Image Slider....
- On my blog, I do this thing were I compare the Before and After changes of the pictures I make. In V.25, I made a new way to compare the pictures. The pictures load in a box and there is a slider in the middle. On the left side of the slider is the before and on the right is the after. You can slide the slider around and compare at either half and half, or 1/4-3/4, or anywhere! It's hard to explain, so go over and check it out.
- Anyways, it's been a bit buggy ever since I put it in. I would have to embed it into the page in HTML mode before publishing. I couldn't go into Compose mode or it'll break. And other little issues. Well, I looked at way it was breaking and decided to try something. The WHOLE CODE was in the page itself, so I just moved the JS and CSS codes out of the page and put them into a section on the bottom of the site. Where I have all the other codes. I left the load code on the page. The load code is basically an HTML code that sends a signal to the JS to load the element. That's a rough way to put it. ANYWAYS!! I put the codes down there and it solved the issues! I don't know why I didn't think of that in the first place!
- Animations...
- Like I mentioned at the end of the last update, I just started experimenting with fade and glow effect and didn't get the effect everywhere. Some sites with the new Top Bar didn't have the new effects. And the Back to Top arrow didn't fade in and out when you hovered over it. Well, everything is perfected now. EXCEPT...the BTT Arrow. It wouldn't work. It kind-of already uses the effect. But not for onhover stuff. Oh well.
- The Little things...
- In the Menu, under MY STUFF->MY PROFILES, I took out the Flickr and Google+ widgets. The Google+ one would appear and then disappear when the page loaded. It was annoying so I took it out! And they Flickr ones wasn't working right.
- The Blogger Navbar has been removed for all Blogger Sites. It was being blocked by the top bar, so I just took it out as well!
- The 2015 links in the Site Update's menu were not the right ones. I don't know when that happened. Hopefully it hasn't been like that since I made the menu. HOW COULD I MISS THAT!
- There's new silly placeholder text in the Contact Forms. But only on the Main Site and the Blog. I haven't gotten around to added them everywhere else. I'll do that in the next update!
- There is a Dynamic Drive banner at the bottom of all the Blogger sites! I only had one on the Main Site. But since I use their codes on all the sites, I put it everywhere! I also took it out of the Bottom Bar on the Main Site. So, you can see it all the time! Just so you know, Dynamic Drive is a code site. You can go there and get FREE CODES of random things. That's where I got the Menu and the Bottom Bar. Plus many other little codes.
- I renamed some of the Help Links in the Hover Menu.
- On the Main Site, I changed the NEW FREE RIDER TRACK picture in the Side Bar's Scrolling News. I updated all the pictures a while back, but didn't change it in there.
- And lastly...CLEANING!! That would be fixing errors in codes or parts that repeat. Or parts that aren't even being used! Just trimming things up to make it load faster!
- And now....something new....FAILS!!!
- There are somethings on the sites that I try to fix or add onto...but I fail.
- In the Top Bar on the Main site, when you hover over the Share + button, it brings up a little menu with other share options. However...that only works on the Main Site! I checked the codes and everything is the same!! So, why it's working there and no where else....I don't know.
- There's a glitch where the Bottom Bar doesn't load. It happened for a little bit but then stopped. I don't know if it's fixed or not. I didn't do anything!
- I tried updating the custom scroll bars. On the sites, if you look to the right at the page scroll bar, mine are custom. I tried changing there color because the UP button is different from the DOWN button. BUT IT WOULDN'T WORK! Oh's not that bad.
- And lastly, I tried to make the Top Bars different on each site. But, it just looked weird. I like it's plain white self.
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